3 Fingers Fey Twef 🌱Today we look at this plant from the plant family aristolochia🌱✔️. Locally known as "Fey Twef" in Dominica .Other common names ; Dutchmans pipe or "Birth Wort" because of the ancient use of the plant to facilitate birth , even the flowers resemble a birth canal! 🤯 This variety is the European BirthWort . Alot of controversy surrounding the uses of this plant family and limited information on use found on online, But it is not to be feared. I continue local and internet research and have heard some great testimonies of positive results most of the time. Also some corresponding uses were discovered on-line. Uses of the herb are many , mostly for medical and spiritual use. The leaves of birthwort is used to prepare an infusion that can clean the womb after birth, start menstruation, makes you feel Un-tied (Dèmawéh) prevent seizures, increase sexual desire, boost the immune system. It is also used to treat snakebite, intestinal pain, gallb...