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👁Natural spring water💧 Vs Chlorinated tap water 💧

"Don't use chlorine water to make the medicine"..... I always remember these words from an elder herbalist . Now , If we had to spark up a debate on spring water versus pipe water ; Many listeners would be convinced to pay closer attention to what kind of water they use to hydrate their system . The controversy lies in whether spring water gets people sick or not. There are places that I would personally recommend testing the natural sources to ensure safety . Meanwhile it might happen in a decade or even in a months time but it is mostly misinformation that's is  leading some of us to conform to the tap water in the kitchen and forget about the fact that Natural  spring water is has a remarkable history and is being used right now! There have  been a great amount of changes on the earth; pollution. But earth has its way , it's immunity!. And this is why we are still here despite all these changes. Natural livity ushers resilient people. Drastic situations like Natural disasters also bring people to discover reality and overcome certain fears. For example the spring that was uncovered by landslide during hurricane Maria at Giraudel wasn't tested. Yet I saw all classes of people lined up filling thier bottles and containers without knowing whether it was tested or not . The picture below is from that time ,September 2017.
Read these excerpts from a quick google search on the history of spring water ;

The first commercially distributed water in America was bottled and sold by Jackson's Spa in Boston in 1767. Early drinkers of bottled spa waters believed that the water at these mineral springs had therapeutic properties and that bathing in or drinking the water could help treat many common ailments.

It is widely believed that the selling of bottled water began in 1622. The practice soon spread to other areas in Europe. Many mineral springs in Europe began bottling and selling water. The main reason for this was the perceived medicinal value (healing and therapeutic health benefits) of spring water. 

Purified water is usually a good option since the purification process removes chemicals and impurities from the water. But,  You should not drink distilled water since it lacks naturally-occurring minerals, including calcium and magnesium, that are beneficial for health.

Spring water 

It's also a fact that; High-quality spring water is naturally more alkaline than tap water, which can create an environment in the human body less vulnerable to disease proliferation. Not only this. Spring water is rich in magnesium, potassium, calcium, sodium, and other trace minerals. As it rises through the rocks, the spring water undergoes an incredible natural filtration process. That's why the water always seems so clear and some consumers prefer drinking it without further treatment, because it's generally considered safe and rich in minerals. 

Chlorinated water

Drinking water that contains chlorine will not hurt us immediately, but it may have long-term health effects. It should not be kept a secret what chlorinated tap water does to our bodies compared to drinking natural spring water. 

Ingesting chlorine with your tap water can have a number of adverse health effects. Some of these effects occur because chlorine tends to form trihalomethanes. Trihalomethanes (THMs), including chloroform, form when chlorine reacts with tiny organic particles found in water. These chemical compounds have been implicated in several adverse health outcomes. 

Not everyone knows about these dangers or disadvantages, but I am grateful that I found out and now it's my pleasure to share with you. It has nothing to do with of religion, politics or spiritual belief. Instead it is a fact of life ! Have you heard that chlorine and flouride are minerals that may contribute to calcification of the pineal gland? Read here The Truth About Chlorine & Fluoride 

So this is something extremely important to consider;  the pineal gland. Check out this link

How to remove Chlorine from drinking water.

One of the best ways to remove chlorine from your home's water and prevent chlorine side effects is to use carbon. The latest technology allows carbon to bind effectively to chlorine to prevent it from entering your home. Using carbon in a Water Refiner, a whole-house filtration system, and / or a drinking water system can help to ensure that you and your family get to drink and bath with fresh, clean, great-tasting chlorine-free water every day. Source

I know multiple springs over the island with pure healthy water that has been consumed by the villagers in these areas for as long as we've lived here. If anyone is interested in filling up their containers whenever I go to the spring send a message for more information. There are clean spots to get water from at Eggleston, Trafalgar , Laudat, Wotten waven, Pointe Mitchell, Springfield, Pont casse, Syndicate and many other areas that are still officially untested but the village people can tell you about the history of the source.


Subscribe for spring water refill and transportation.

WhatsApp: 1 767 276-6080

Call: 1 767 613-7829

I don't own a water distribution company and this offer is for regular consumers of spring water from the specific local springs around the island with a history of consumption and are still being used daily. 


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