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ANISE / NANI USES: Anise seed is perhaps the first spices ever known by the human race. A type of plant native to Egypt, anise seed is included of the Umbelliferous group, that also consists of cumin, fennel, caraway, and dill. Anise has been consumed for its therapeutic along with its food quantities. Romans consumed anise to taste cake which they eaten after large meals to increase digestion of food. Anise seed has been uncovered through better research to prevent or even heal the following ailments, here are the health benefits of anise seeds that you need to know. 1. Increase Metabolism System Anise herb is especially effective for the digestive metabolism. Because it increases digestive flow, it is a very excellent treatment for the digestive tract related illness. It is very great at vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, gas problem, sporadic flatulence as well as gastritis. Additionally, it works as an appetite stimulant. It provides healing to every digestive


ROSEMARY vs WI FI  By TuHerbicinaplantshop767 What is truly important in life? 1. Health. Being healthy is the single, most important part of our existence - without good health, our lives can be cut short. That said, it's important not to take good health for granted.  Doing a little research I realized how truly important the rosemary is plant to our mental health and the nervous system. So many uses and health benefits , but l et us pay closer attention to these four points;  1.  Rosemary is taken for stress reduction,  2. for improved memory 3. helps protect DNA  4. reduces risks of cancer   Today it is still being highly recognized amongst some of the best herbs used to increase brain performance. Rosemary herb has an effect on the brain even without ingesting the plant. And I say this to the many people who might not believe in the consumption of herbal plants. But, by simply crushing and sniffing rosemary leaves  you can boost your brain power. And this is w