Always seek the guidance of your qualified health professional with any questions you may have regarding your health or a serious medical condition. Yet It is necessary to know about the benefits of natural plant medicines. Know the connection between your body and plants, and always remember that the regular use of our local herbs can prevent Illnesses. I present this blog with good intention to serve you as a guide to learn more about your own medicine (Tu Herbicina) found in herbs. Dominica. Mission: Medicinal Plant Conservation PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE! Support Tu Herbicina Health and Wellness Services
ROSEMARY vs WI FI By TuHerbicinaplantshop767 What is truly important in life? 1. Health. Being healthy is the single, most important part of our existence - without good health, our lives can be cut short. That said, it's important not to take good health for granted. Doing a little research I realized how truly important the rosemary is plant to our mental health and the nervous system. So many uses and health benefits , but l et us pay closer attention to these four points; 1. Rosemary is taken for stress reduction, 2. for improved memory 3. helps protect DNA 4. reduces risks of cancer Today it is still being highly recognized amongst some of the best herbs used to increase brain performance. Rosemary herb has an effect on the brain even without ingesting the plant. And I say this to the many people who might not believe in the consumption of herbal plants. But, by simply crushing and sniffing rosemary leaves you c...