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How to prepare your Tea, Infusion or Decoction.

Whether you are  choosing an herb for Medicinal use or just to make some morning bush tea, it is good to know which preparation method is more effective and beneficial to  you .Directly treating whatever condition that needs to be healed. 
The three preparation methods for making your cup of tea are ; by infusion, decoction or just
simply tea.

The Difference in Herbal Teas and Herbal Infusions is that; for herbal teas use less plant
matter and steep for a shorter period of time.(5 to 20 mins).
For herbal infusions; use a larger amount of herbs and  steep for a longer period of time. (20 mins to overnight).
Teas can be prepared from either fresh or dried
herbs, or even ready made local teabags. According to my research. Results show that it is better to use dried or semi dried herbs for hot tea. Never use teabags for infusions. Fresh herbs are favorable for Juicing and steaming.
Let us also take note of the difference between the preparation of a decoction and  an infusion; 
whilst both methods could extract the medicinal properties from plants for consumption, an infusion is usually made with flowers or leaves, and a decoction is generally made with roots or bark. For example Ginger, Turmeric, Cinnamon , Richeria Grandis, Dandelion Roots, and our special recommended expectorant! Read more about it here: Make your own expectorant .
Fresh herbs have a higher water content than dried herbs , therefore it can dilute your decoction so double the amount of herbs if you are using fresh herbs. 
*Juicing  is also another way to get the healing benefits from your herbs.

How to prepare:

A cup of bush tea;

-Pour 1 cup boiling water (250 ml) over 1-4 teaspoons of chopped dried herbs. Always boil a little more than 250ml. of water.
-Steep (let herbs remain immersed in hot water) 5 - 20 mins. Pour hot water over the herbs and cover the cup. 
-Extract tea or strain out herb matter.
(Chop or grind herbs for better measurements and to enhance extraction).Best to use stevia or honey as a sweeetener.
The tea industry standard for measuring loose leaf tea is about 2-3 grams of tea per 6-8 ounces of water. Ideally it's best to use a small kitchen scale, but if you only have measuring spoons, the general guideline is to use 1 measuring teaspoon per 6 oz. of water or 1 heaping measuring teaspoon per cup (8 oz.)

Make the task easier ! Try our organic ready made teabags! 

Contact for sales info. 👇

Preparing an Infusion;

-Pour 1 cup (250ml) boiling water over 3 to 5 teaspoons of chopped dried herbs.
(Chop herb for better measurements)
-Steep (let herbs remain immersed
in hot water) 30 mins or more - overnight. )
-Extract / strain
(No Sugar)

Preparing a Decoction : 

For some plants , the entire plant can be decocted but it always better to separate the softer parts of the plant (Leaves), then add them to the decoction to steep with the harder parts (Roots, Bark) .  Another way is to add from 3 to 5 Tablespoons or 6 to 10 teaspoons of roots or Bark  per liter of water and  Boil for 1 hour. 
-Let Simmer 
- Extract
(Chop or grind herbs for better measurements and to enhance extraction).
Some leaves and flowers require decoction to release plant toxins. Such as the elderberry flowers.

*Drink cool or cold and unsweetened bush tea for a better medicinal effect.
Unsweetened  bush tea , Infusions and decoctions all work better! 
However, Some Stevia or Honey can add some more vibes to it :), especially for Lemon grass, Ginger, Mimosa or Lemon sage. *Mimosa with Honey has a great effect on the nervous system, as honey also has a good effect on the nervous system. 

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