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What is an Expectorant¿

An expectorant is a medicine promoting the discharge of phlegm, mucus or other fluid from the respiratory tract.
Coughs and Colds are common when you live in the tropics and work outdoors  facing the sun and the rain. Living!.  That doesn't mean that everyone has a cough every time though ...what really matters is how long you carry that cold on your chest! And how much longer will you wait before finding a natural way of  spitting it all out , using something that you can prepare at home to treat yourself from nasal congestion, disgusting coughs , bad breath and ultimately protect yourself from illness . Especially that which is caused by mucus, and phlegm.  In case you have not heard , Mucus is the leading cause of sickness in the human body.
Why not abstain from the Benadryl this time and tap into this old local bush medicine ?! Hoping that the plants are available in your area . If not , this is what we are here for, to provide you with plants and bundles of herbs @tuherbicina 

The images below can help you identify the three plants used to prepare this uncommon and powerful homemade expectorant.

1*  White flowers of Lily-pad Begonia (Begonia nelumbiifolia) Locally known as Lozey. Edible flowers; flowers and stems contain oxalic acid and should not be consumed by individuals suffering from gout, kidney stones, or rheumatism.
2* Elderflower (Sambucus nigra) Locally known as Fleur SewoElderflowers are ready around late May to mid-June.
3* Jumbie Tobacco Leaves Locally known as Ghost Tobacco or (Tabac Zombi). Pluchea Carolinensis.


 Set to boil 3 to 4 full tea cups of water (1 liter) 
 add 1 or 2 clusters of elderflower (Fleur sewo in Dominica)  flowers
1 or 2 clusters of White edible Begonia flowers (Lozey in Dominica)
3 to 4 Jumbie Tobacco leaves (Tabac Zombie in Dominica)

This time it is not the regular Infusion process that is used to prepare most other herbal teas. For making this expectorant, you must put the leaves and flowers into the water and boil everything at once. Once at boiling point turn off and allow to cool down completely. 20 - 30 mins. This process is called Decoction. Read more on how to prepare an herbal decoction here How to prepare an herbal decoction

A big cup at once is also a great idea!, like a 500ml to 700ml cup, and consume gradually as the day goes by. If not then just ensure that it is kept fresh in a stainless steel flask or non plastic container. Although most users would divide theirs into three normal sized cups and use from morning into afternoon preferably.
It is also best to ingest on a half empty stomach, then eat fruits and non-acidic foods to compliment the great expectorating effects. So choose whether you drink  no less than half an hour before or after meals.
If you suffer from colds, flu's , sinus, asthma, tuberculosis, bronchitis, and any respiratory conditions that doesn't require a medical doctors intervention , take advantage  of this remedy brought to you by TuHerbicina and give it a try. We also offer Respiratory steam packs. 
Other herbs I'd recommend and that can be used as expectorants are Lemon grass, Anis, Thyme, Oregano and Ginger. 

Remember to Contact us for Plants and Herbs. 

 "Embrace the Gift of Natural Healing Herbs" 

Contact us: 
Whatsapp: 1 767 276 6080
Calls: 1 767 613 7829


#tuherbicinaplantshop767 #tripleplantexpectorant


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