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Showing posts from 2022

"LOW PRESSURE"; Natural Herbal Tea blend to help reduce HBP.

After months of research and gathering information on which plants and trees are used locally to treat high blood pressure; I came up with this tea!, I also tested for taste, strength, shelf -life and which ones could combine for the best results.  See this as an effort to reduce the percentage of people affected by HBP, one of the leading causes of illnesses and early death. This tea is made up of some ancient herbs and leaves that blend very well together and used to treat high blood pressure and its symptoms.  For best results be consistent and use according to the instructions below on how to prepare your cup of "Low Pressure" tea.  Draw 1 teabag(1tsp) per cup (250ml) boiling water  Steep for 15 to 20 mins Extract Herbs/ Teabag  Drink cool Drink 1 to 3 cups maximum daily . 30 mins after meals    

How to prepare your Tea, Infusion or Decoction.

Whether you are  choosing an herb for Medicinal use or just to make some morning bush tea, it is good to know which preparation method is more effective and beneficial to  you .Directly treating whatever condition that needs to be healed.  The three preparation methods for making your cup of tea are ; by infusion, decoction or just simply tea. .  The Difference in Herbal Teas and Herbal Infusions is that; for herbal teas use less plant matter and steep for a shorter period of time.(5 to 20 mins). For herbal infusions; use a larger amount of herbs and  steep for a longer period of time. (20 mins to overnight). T eas can be prepared from either fresh or dried herbs, or even ready made local teabags. According to my research. Results show that it is better to use dried or semi dried herbs for hot tea. Never use teabags for infusions. Fresh herbs are favorable for Juicing and steaming. Let us also take note of the difference between the preparation of a decoction ...



European BirthWort (Fey Twef)

3 Fingers Fey Twef 🌱Today we look at this plant from the plant family aristolochia🌱✔️.  Locally known as "Fey Twef" in Dominica .Other common names ; Dutchmans pipe or "Birth Wort" because of the ancient use of the plant to facilitate birth , even the flowers resemble a birth canal! 🤯 This variety is the  European BirthWort .  Alot of controversy surrounding the uses of this plant family and limited information on use found on online, But it is not to be feared. I continue local and internet research and have heard some great testimonies of positive results most of the time. Also some corresponding uses were discovered on-line. Uses of the herb are many , mostly for medical and spiritual use.  The leaves of birthwort is used to prepare an infusion that can clean the womb after birth, start menstruation, makes you feel Un-tied (Dèmawéh) prevent seizures, increase sexual desire, boost the immune system. It is also used to treat snakebite, intestinal pain, gallb...

Vicks Plants (Plectranthus tomentosa) for sale

   Vicks Plant, or Plectranthus tomentosa, is a succulent member of the mint family native to South Africa. It’s also known as Plectranthus hadiensis var. tomentosus, Succulent Coleus. Like other non-succulent mint plants, this easy-to-grow succulent is known for the minty, camphor scent of its leaves very much like Vicks vapour rub. Its fragrance can clear up sinuses and ease congestion in our respiratory tracts. You can also use its leaves to prepare ointments with petroleum-based jelly, whether to treat inflammation or repel mosquitoes. Adding a handful of leaves to boiling water for steam inhalation is also great to cleanse the respiratory tract. The plant's leaves can also help with muscle aches, bruising, or symptoms of arthritis. Works great on insect bites too!  A good plant to have in abundance both in the garden and around the home as it can also serve as a good mosquito and insect repellent.   Contact for Plants and steam packs  by DM or Call...


A Live INDOOR Virtual Tour conducted by me from my home in Dominica using live video-conferencing software. "WHO KNOWS MEDICINE, HERBLORE , AND CAN IDENTIFY EDIBLE PLANTS IS BETTER PREPARED FOR SOCIETAL COLLAPSE" This interactive and informative Live INDOOR Virtual tour is all about showing you how to identify some indigenous and wild plants growing in Dominica with healing secrets. Dominica is Known for its unique flora and a wide variety of plants that have formed part of our culture and heritage. Our Medicine. Today this information is also well needed as we also have the right to be our own doctors if it is so true that our Medicine is found in our foods and herbs. The presentation will also include QR Codes with links to further information since 1 hour is never enough time to discover all the wonders of these amazing plants. BOOK YOUR LIVE VIRTUAL TOUR HERE: 🌱 🌱        Tu Herbicina...


Written by Danny E. for TuHerbicina.  If  you grew up in Dominica, born in the 80's/ 90's era, you probably  must have heard someone say " Plahteh good for eyes"....But have you ever tried it before? I keep making mention of my grandfather as one of my first teachers of natural medicine which is a fact and hence the reason why today I am still convinced that there is no better way than the natural way of healing. I remember him using the plant for his eyes . There are many uses and health benefits associated with Plantain , also known as Broadleaf Plantain , Greater Plantain , Scientific Name: Plantago Major L. , Llanten in spanish. A perennial plant of the Plantain Family - Plantiginaceae. Not the plantain that we cook and eat.  Although you can actually eat young leaves of the plantain herb as a salad.  This is one of the plants I did research on for my thesis on "Wild plants with medicinal properties" in Barinas, Venezuela, 2005, Where the people also ha...