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Showing posts from February, 2022


A Live INDOOR Virtual Tour conducted by me from my home in Dominica using live video-conferencing software. "WHO KNOWS MEDICINE, HERBLORE , AND CAN IDENTIFY EDIBLE PLANTS IS BETTER PREPARED FOR SOCIETAL COLLAPSE" This interactive and informative Live INDOOR Virtual tour is all about showing you how to identify some indigenous and wild plants growing in Dominica with healing secrets. Dominica is Known for its unique flora and a wide variety of plants that have formed part of our culture and heritage. Our Medicine. Today this information is also well needed as we also have the right to be our own doctors if it is so true that our Medicine is found in our foods and herbs. The presentation will also include QR Codes with links to further information since 1 hour is never enough time to discover all the wonders of these amazing plants. BOOK YOUR LIVE VIRTUAL TOUR HERE: 🌱 🌱        Tu Herbicina...


Written by Danny E. for TuHerbicina.  If  you grew up in Dominica, born in the 80's/ 90's era, you probably  must have heard someone say " Plahteh good for eyes"....But have you ever tried it before? I keep making mention of my grandfather as one of my first teachers of natural medicine which is a fact and hence the reason why today I am still convinced that there is no better way than the natural way of healing. I remember him using the plant for his eyes . There are many uses and health benefits associated with Plantain , also known as Broadleaf Plantain , Greater Plantain , Scientific Name: Plantago Major L. , Llanten in spanish. A perennial plant of the Plantain Family - Plantiginaceae. Not the plantain that we cook and eat.  Although you can actually eat young leaves of the plantain herb as a salad.  This is one of the plants I did research on for my thesis on "Wild plants with medicinal properties" in Barinas, Venezuela, 2005, Where the people also ha...


What is an Expectorant¿ An expectorant is a medicine promoting the discharge of phlegm, mucus or other fluid from the respiratory tract. Coughs and Colds are common when you live in the tropics and work outdoors  facing the sun and the rain. Living!.  That doesn't mean that everyone has a cough every time though ...what really matters is how long you carry that cold on your chest! And how much longer will you wait before finding a natural way of  spitting it all out , using something that you can prepare at home to treat yourself from nasal congestion, disgusting coughs , bad breath and ultimately protect yourself from illness . Especially that which is caused by mucus, and phlegm.  In case you have not heard , Mucus is the leading cause of sickness in the human body. Why not abstain from the Benadryl this time and tap into this old local bush medicine ?! Hoping that the plants are available in your area . If not , this is what we are here for, to provide you ...

A Plant for longevity and enlightenment growing in Dominica: Gotu Cola (Centella asiatica)

About  three years ago I had no idea of something named "Gotu Cola"  or sometimes spelt with  Kola, until one day a foreigner in Dominica showed me a picture from her phone  and asked me if I knew this herb and if I could get some for her. I remember telling her these words "I am good at finding plants so let me see"..that same week someone else asked me to get them some roots that they dreamed about.. I felt  as if something special was happening and that I'd find reason in due time. Am I born for this?  A couple days after I was out collecting Dandelion roots from a cliff in the village and there I saw  Gotu Cola for the first time . It must have been there for years for how the ground where it was growing looked. I took a portion to plant in my garden and also  I started my research online and locally. This is what I found;  Gotu kola has been used in Asia for thousands of years, both as a medicine and as a leafy vegetable. It is first men...